Maintaining a horsebox


Tips for horsebox maintenance if it is parked up for a period of time:

  • Move your horsebox forwards or backwards 12 inches every now and then to help prevent your tyres from deforming or cracking after being sat on one spot for a length of time
  • Isolating or disconnecting your lorry batteries will help prevent them going flat
  • If possible start your lorry at least once a month, but don’t rev it immediately — give the oil a chance to run around the engine first, and then increase the revs. In some older lorries, the batteries won’t start charging until your lorry has been pushed over a certain number of revs. Aim to run your lorry for around 30 minutes
  • Don’t worry about the gearbox oil in your horsebox — it will circulate when you start the engine
  • Air brakes can freeze on if left for too long, so when you start your lorry and move it backwards and forwards to help maintain the tyres, make sure you use your brakes a few times as well
  • If the weather turns wet, check that your horsebox isn’t leaking anywhere as you can end up with serious mechanical damage if water is pooling into your lorry
  • Don’t leave the ramp down on your horsebox — it damages the springs
  • If freezing temperatures are forecast, make sure there is no water stored in your lorry as it can cause pipes to burst
  • If your lorry is accessible and on private land and you have the space to do so, taking it down the drive and back is a good option
  • If you have a generator on your lorry, you can leave that unstarted for longer than your lorry engine